
2011.9.14Moon Festival~~ Trip for Taina.





Aaron had four days off because the Moon Festival Holiday. So we pick one place to go. We went to Tainan for our four days trips. We really enjoy being there because it was our first year of our marriage's memory . Members are so friendly and kind there. We love them and also we are so grateful for their wonderful examples to us.





When Aaron drove the car, Gordon is sleeping in his cute sit. It was such a long drive and took about two hours. Thanksfully, it was Gordon's napping time so he didn't wake up for the whole trip.





We went to IKEA at the next day. We found out there were many baby stuffs that we could buy for Gordon. There was a cute baby bed. We put him in bed. haha.... Gordon seemed happy about that.




星期六晚上我到高家庭家用餐. 路得褓姆和股溝男很喜歡跟凡寶玩.把他逗的笑哈哈.可惜凡寶狂流大汗....不過沒關係.開心最重要喔!!而且他有專屬的電風扇呢.


Saturday evening, we went to Gao family. Their son and daughter loved to play with Gordon. Gordon loved them so much. It was such a great time for him.





It's napping time!!




They played an hour. What a great babysitter he was!!





It was Sabbath day morning. We 're preparing to go to Church. Gordon looked handsome. haha....






After Church, We went to Gao family again. We had wonderful lunch with them. We are so grateful for their wonderful friendship to us. Love them so much.







Aaron brought a little doll for Gordon but Gordon loves bitting the doll's buttom.

He is such an adorable baby ^O^